Monday 24 September 2018

Halloween Wall Decor

Hi everyone. It's Verity here from Pretty Little Button bringing you another project. Today's project features the glow in the dark vinyl.  I used this vinyl to create a fun Halloween decoration to hang on the wall, either inside, or by our front door. So even in the dark people will still see your message, perfect for halloween!

Halloween Wall Decor details: 

To start, draw a panel representing your canvas, and make sure you adjust the paper size in the page set up to represent the width of the vinyl - this vinyl is 9" wide. 

 Next, insert the design into the design space and position over the panel representing the canvas. Centre this within the panel using the transform window below. This will allow you to see if you can make the design and bigger or if it needs to be smaller. 

This design is very thin, and maybe difficult to cut and weed. To get around this, add a small 0.05 offset to the letters and delete the inner design as you don't want this to cut later as well.  

In the send panel, make sure you select the glow in the dark vinyl in your material and test cut to make sure the settings work well for your machine and blade.

Once cut, weed the negative so only the design is left on your baking sheet. Cover with a piece of transfer tape and burnish until the design is transferred onto the transfer tape. Position over a painted canvas and burnish the design down onto the canvas. Remove the transfer tape to finish. 

Halloween Wall Decor photos:

If this has inspired you to try this out, please post below. I would love to see it!

Until next time,


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Sketch have a hugntingly happy Halloween phase by Kristen MageeDesign ID #48797



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